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    雙語(yǔ)丨習近平在亞太經(jīng)合組織第三十次領(lǐng)導人非正式會(huì )議上的講話(huà)重要語(yǔ)匯摘編


    當地時(shí)間11月17日上午,亞太經(jīng)合組織第三十次領(lǐng)導人非正式會(huì )議在美國舊金山莫斯科尼中心舉行。中國國家主席習近平出席會(huì )議并發(fā)表題為《堅守初心 團結合作 攜手共促亞太高質(zhì)量增長(cháng)》的重要講話(huà)。中國外文局所屬當代中國與世界研究院、中國翻譯研究院,依托中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )重大翻譯任務(wù)審評工作機制,圍繞講話(huà)中的重要表述,形成漢英對照摘編,供業(yè)界參考使用。

    亞太經(jīng)合組織建立領(lǐng)導人定期會(huì )議機制以來(lái),始終走在全球開(kāi)放發(fā)展的前沿,有力促進(jìn)了區域貿易和投資自由化便利化、經(jīng)濟技術(shù)發(fā)展、物資人員流動(dòng),創(chuàng )造了舉世矚目的“亞太奇跡”。

    Since the establishment of the economic leaders’regular meeting mechanism, APEC has always stood at the global forefront of openness and development. It has played a robust role in promoting Asia-Pacific trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, economic growth and technological progress, and the flow of goods and people. It has helped create the “Asia-Pacific miracle” that has staggered the world.


    We must respond to the calls of our times responsibly and meet global challenges together. We must fully deliver on the Putrajaya Vision of building an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community for the prosperity of all our people and future generations. 


    To this end, I wish to propose the following.

    第一,堅持創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)。

    First, staying committed to innovation-driven development.


    We should follow the trends of scientific and technological advancement, more proactively promote exchanges and cooperation in science and technology, and work together for an open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for scientific and technological progress. 


    We should accelerate digital transformation, narrow the digital divide, redouble our efforts to implement the APEC Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap, support the application of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and other new technologies, and create new momentum and new drivers of growth in the Asia-Pacific region.

    中國堅持創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展戰略,協(xié)同推進(jìn)數字產(chǎn)業(yè)化、產(chǎn)業(yè)數字化,提出了亞太經(jīng)合組織數字鄉村建設、企業(yè)數字身份、利用數字技術(shù)促進(jìn)綠色低碳轉型等倡議,更好為亞太發(fā)展賦能。

    China remains committed to its strategy for driving growth and development through innovation. China is advancing both its digital industry and the digital transformation of traditional industries. China has put forward a number of initiatives for promoting growth and development in the region through digital empowerment, such as digital technology-driven rural development, corporate digital identity, and transition to a green and low-carbon economy through the application of digital technologies.


    Second, staying committed to openness in development.


    We must promote free and open trade and investment, support and strengthen the WTO-centered multilateral trading regime, and keep global industrial and supply chains open and stable.


    We must say no to any attempt to politicize, weaponize, or impose security implications on economic and trade issues.


    We must remain unwavering to promote regional economic integration, accelerate the building of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, fully implement the APEC Connectivity Blueprint, and share in the opportunities of open regional development.


    The recent third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that China hosted was a success, injecting fresh impetus into global connectivity and the building of an open world economy.


    Third, staying committed to green development.


    We must continue to promote harmony between man and nature, accelerate the transition to green and low-carbon development, and see to it that reducing carbon emissions and mitigating pollution operate in parallel with expanding green transition and promoting economic growth.


    We must deliver on the Bangkok Goals on Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy, making “green” a defining feature of Asia-Pacific growth.


    China remains as determined as ever to pursue green development that prioritizes eco-environmental conservation and protection.


    China is making active yet prudent moves toward its goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and is accelerating its transition to green development. 


    China has put forward initiatives for cooperation between APEC member economies in green agriculture, sustainable city development, green and low-carbon energy transition, and marine pollution control and prevention. All such initiatives aim to build a clean and beautiful Asia-Pacific region.


    Fourth, staying committed to inclusive development that delivers benefits to all.


    We must fully implement the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and put development back on the international agenda as a central priority.


    We need to develop greater synergy in our development strategies and work together to resolve the global development deficit.


    China welcomes participation by all parties in the Global Development Initiative (GDI) to deepen cooperation in poverty reduction, food security, industrialization and development financing and build a global community of development so that the fruits of modernization are shared by people across the world. 


    China will continue to support APEC in its economic and technical cooperation and work together with other member economies to make the “cake”of Asia-Pacific development bigger.



    An ancient Chinese sage said, “For a righteous cause, I shall press forward, undaunted by thousands standing in my way.” 


    As manifested by the Asia-Pacific experience, an economy thrives in openness and withers in seclusion.


    As we celebrate 45 years of our reform and opening up this year, we will continue to pursue high-quality development and high-standard opening up. Chinese modernization will bring the world more and greater opportunities for the modernization of all countries.